The 2020 British Rowing Virtual Tour

Welcome to the Tour

We know that you must be disappointed at not being able to take part in the tour we planned from Maidenhead to Putney, but here is some information, pictures and videos  to give you a flavour of what you would see on the route.  All being well, we'll run the tour next year, so you can see it for real!

The dates of next year's tour:  Thursday 29th July - Sunday 1st August

Here's a diagram of the route:

Instructions for Participants

The following pages are taken from the new online touring handbook which is currently in course of production.

The role of the Participant Checklist of what to bring Boat Captains' Safety Guidance

We will be using coxed quad touring boats, including the boats sponsored by Charles Stanley Wealth Management and looked after by Goring Gap Rowing Club and Isle of Ely Rowing Club


Thursday afternoon

On a normal tour, trailer drivers would take the boats to the starting point (in this case Maidenhead Rowing Club).  Crews would meet them there, unload and rig the boats, and then go to our hotel - the Lensbury Resort and Club, where there's ample parking for cars and trailers.  Click on the main picture for more information and a video


Friday morning

We start our tour at Maidenhead Rowing Club, row through Bray and Windsor, and stop at Eton Masters Boathouse for lunch.  Here's a map with links to places we pass on the way

Maidenhead Rowing Club

The Riverside at Bray

Windsor Castle


Friday afternoon

After lunch, we continue through Runnymede, passing Wraysbury Skiff and Punting Club, to Staines Boat Club, where we can admire their new boathouse - route map

Wraysbury Skiff and Punting Club

Staines New Boathouse


Saturday morning

After leaving Staines, we pass Burway Rowing Club, perhaps make a brief detour via Weyfarers RC and then on to our next stop, Walton RC, who also have a new(ish) boathouse.  Here's the route map

Burway Rowing Club

Weybridge Rowing Club

Walton Rowing Club


Saturday afternoon

 Down past Molesey and Kingston to Teddington where we can land directly at our hotel, next to Walbrook RC.  Route map

Molesey Boat Club

Kingston Rowing Club

Walbrook Rowing Club


Sunday morning

 The last stage of our tour.  We catch the tide so we can row over the barrage at Richmond and then row the Tideway Head course to Putney.  Route map

The Putney "Hard"

Walk the Route

The Thames Path follows the whole of the Thames, so non-rowers can accompany us on the tour.  Here are descriptions of the sections we will be rowing - not exactly as we do them, but it will give you an idea.  The walking route goes upstream rather than downstream.

Windsor to Bourne End (a few miles upstream of Maidenhead)

Staines to Windsor

Hampton Court to Staines (Hampton Court is just downstream of Molesey)

Richmond to Hampton Court

Barnes Bridge to Teddington This walk is on the north side of the Thames

Putney to Richmond on the south side of the Thames